Sunday, 15 September 2013

Chain maille bracelet with crystal detail

I have been tired this week so the two projects I have done have been, on my knee in front of the telly numbers. This is the third of four Creative Beadcraft kits (kit number 81 on their website) that  I ordered to improve my plier wielding. After this one I think I might be getting somewhere!

 Here are all the bits and pieces on my knee along with the tool kit I got for last month's project.  The whole bracelet is made from individual large jump rings.

Here is the first part of it complete after MUCH swearing

Four down, ten to go.

Half done, I had a break and watched the Great British Bake Off at this point. my fingers were hurting.

 Puffy crystal rondelles attached via head pins. It amuses me that they are "puffy" crystals for some reason.By this point I had new respect for chain mail makers of the olden days.

 Completed and ready to wear 

Worn by me! I really love wearing it and have had lots of compliments about it. 

This was a very time consuming but enjoyable project, so much so that i have ordered extra materials to make some for gifts. I did however, either order or get sent the wrong kit, and had enough materials to make a necklace not a bracelet, so I will just make two bracelets. I didn't bother with the matching earrings as I can't wear them but I might make them up later on as a gift. Top marks for this one! 

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